New Collage Series

I haven’t posted any artwork in quite a while. This month I haven’t done much with my 6″ square collage a day work, instead I have focused all of my time and energy on this new collage series.

I began with drawings from my Tuesday night life drawing sessions. For these drawings I used oil pastel that is blended with Copal medium. Each drawing began at with a 20 minute pose. I focused on capturing the pose and the proportions of the figure without worrying at all about the background. Once home, I weeded out the less successful drawings and reworked the better ones, finishing the shading and the details. Then I cut the figure out. Working on 14″ x 20″ board, I placed the figure and began working on the collaged background.

10-21-12, “Slippery When Wet”, 20″ x 14″, mixed media on board

The first one I completed was “Slippery When Wet”. I began by collaging cut pieces of found and stained papers for the background. With this pose, the model had a cane in her hand that I didn’t really like, so I replaced it with the purse. The “Slippery When Wet” sign was a photo I had taken 7 years ago in Hawaii, I remembered that I had it and decided that it would work well amid the lush background of the collage. I added the cast shadow and the bird on her shoulder. With this first collage completed, I decided that I wanted to continue including a bird and a photograph in the next 2 collages.

10-25-12, “Remembering the Hills of Cerrillos”, 20″ x 14″, mixed media on board

For this second collage, I knew I wanted the figure to be gazing out a window. The photograph I selected for this was from a trip I took a few weeks ago to Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was taken while I was hiking in the Cerrillos Hills with my daughter, Rainy. To continue the theme of New Mexico, I included a beer glass from a photo I took at the Marble Brewery in downtown Santa fe and a plate of chilies. I added the drapery and, of course, a little bird perched on the window sill. I started to prefer this approach over the background of torn papers used in the first collage.

10-27-12, “Waiting For You”, 14″ x 20″, mixed media on board

This third collage was the last one made from drawings of this particular model. I wanted a boudoir effect, so I started with some scrap booking papers that I had gotten from Britta, a friend of Rainy’s. Again, I wanted a window. The photograph I selected was from one taken in Hawaii. I really liked the surreal look of the plants growing in the meadow. The 2 zebras were a recent find from an old National Geographic magazine and worked nicely to continue the other-world effect I was after. The lace across the top of the window was a last minute edition, but it carries the idea a step further. Of course there is a bird, this time a bit more subtle.

I am really enjoying this collage endeavor and think that each one is better than the next. I have three more oil pastel drawings from this past Tuesday night, this time the model is Eric. I hope to get started on this series this afternoon, though the Copal medium still needs to dry.

A Collection of Collages

I realized that it has been a while since I have posted my daily collages. I will just post a couple of the better ones.

9-3-12, “Shopping List”, 6″x6″, found papers on board

9-9-12, “Cat’s Cradle”, 6″x6″, mixed media on board

9-12-12, “Time Will Tell”, 6″x6″, found papers on board

Featuring Women

Both of these collages feature women whose images I found in my collection of 1959 Newsweek magazines.

9-1-12, “A Girl’s Best Friend”, 6″x6″, mixed media on board

9-2-12, “Who Me?”, 6″x6″, mixed media on paper

I am really enjoying the long weekend. It is nice to be able to wake up gradually and sit down to making a daily collage. Yesterday I did get up early (3am) to go dove hunting with my family, something I haven’t done in over 15 years. It is always wonderful to spend one-on-one time with my parents. So far it has been a creative weekend, with most of my creativity focused on making teacher samples for school projects, something I enjoy doing. I am putting together creative folders (I am painting the covers) to hold different units that I taught following field trips to the Phoenix Art Museum. On September 12th, I am talking about these units at the Educator’s Night at the Museum. The units I am presenting are Nonobjective Art, Portrait Painting, and Trompe-L’oeil. I am nervous, but will have plenty of photos, lesson plans, and student examples to discuss and show to anyone who is interested! I will post how it goes!

Another Friday Evening

Another week has gone by and today marks the end of August. It is hard to believe that I have been back in the classroom for 4 weeks now, I am still trying to adjust and avoid the tiredness that seems to overwhelm me at the end of each day. Below are the collages I made this week

8-26-12, “Center of Attention”, 6″x6″, mixed media on board

8-30-12, “Poultry”, 6″x6″, mixed media on board

8-31-12, “Overworked”, 6″x6″, mixed media on board

Thinking of Friday Evening

This collage began with the image of the woman driving, I really did like the dreamy look she had on her face. The image actually came from a 1959 Newsweek magazine, it was from a car advertisement.

8-25-12, “Thinking of Friday Evening”, 6″x6″, mixed media on board

I added some color to her lips and glasses before I did anything else. For the background, I used some newspaper that I had stained and then sewn together.

Via Air Mail

This past week was not my most productive as I was pretty worn out each day. I thought that by the second week of being back in the classroom, I would have more energy. Unfortunately that did not pan out. I made this collage early in the week. I wish I had kept up throughout the week and perhaps I would not have felt so let down each day. I will try harder in the coming week to get in my studio at the end of each day!

8-14-12, “Via Air Mail”, 6″x6″, mixed media on board